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food - wine - events - gifts - black dogs - and everything in between
It just makes my day when a reader emails me one of their fun finds! Check out these adorable prints for a nursery. I just love that they can be customized to incorporate fun words, names and even sayings that have meaning to you and your family! Great find Peri! Photo Courtesy:
Hoot Design Co.
The frosting shot might hands down be the best “delight” I have blogged about all year!! At only $.75 a shot I can stuff my self silly!!! Cupcakes Take the Cake even suggests freezing them in the summer for a cool treat! I just keeps getting better and better! Now
1) Take your ice cream (the boxed kind works best) and cut off a 3/4″ thick slab
2) Use your cookie cutter and cut out ovals from the ice cream
3) Set the ovals on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and put the sheet in the freezer to firm up
4) While you wait, cut out 9.5″x2.5″ strips of parchment paper to use as holders for the finished product
5) Once the ice cream has chilled for a bit, transfer to the cookies with a spatula
6) For a little extra sweetness, add decorative chocolate sprinkles; simply roll the edges through the sprinkles for an even coating
7) For the final touch, wrap in parchment paper and secure with waxed thread or baker’s twine then freeze until ready to serve.
Photos Courtesy:
I have had my eye on the new Epiphanie camera bags but these photos by Michele Waite of her new bag have totally sold me. I am even kind of digging the red color! (suddenly my wish list is getting longer…oopsJ)
I know I am jumping the gun by saying it is officially “ice tea” season but I can’t help it… between the recipe and the sunshine in the photo I am craving some tea. I wonder how this would taste with agave nectar instead of honey?
3 cups water, boiling
4 tea bags
1/3 cup honey
3 cups apple juice
Steep tea bags in hot water for 5 minutes. Strain out tea bags, and stir in honey and juice. Mix until honey is dissolved. Chill and serve over ice. Serves 6-8
Recipe and Photo Courtesy:
Photo Courtesy:
In addition to chewing two pairs of shoes this week
I am gearing up to celebrate one of my very best friends 30th birthdays this weekend that is probably why this picture screamed to me today! How fun would it be sit at this table? Sometimes it’s fun to be a little kid once in awhile!
I love green and I love
I originally fell in love with the fantastic sailor knot collars below when I found out they were 100% waterproof and antimicrobial but then I saw the collegiate stripped scarf and now I am hooked!!